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A Dog Trainers Journey

So most of these posts will be made out of the journey I have started to become my own boss. Some of these blogs will be about the training I do. Some will also be about the personal struggle of going all in on a business dream.

So, this is day six since I left from what I thought was a career job. It should be noted that I was employed there for nearly sixteen years. During that time I had found a love for working with animals, mainly dogs. It was during this period I got my first dog after I graduated college. There he is there in the picture. His name is Snickers and has been with me now for thirteen years. Getting a German Shepherd was an interesting choice for a first dog since everything I read said

it was not for a novice owner ... Well more about that at another time.

During all of this time with Snickers I was married, promoted, had a child, divorce, fought cancer, and out on my own with the support of a new relationship. Now, I found myself starting this labor of love that I have and going in full time.

This week has been especially sobering. I feel this scariness and uneasiness of everything. Mainly what to do now? How to do it? How do I plan my day? Well I have made my decision to still get ready for work like I normally have and set work hours. I am making a list of daily activities that must get done daily and projects that I'll work on during the week. At my last job it was all thought out for you. All you had to do was just plan how you'd get your tasks done that day. Now, I find that I have to organize and design a life. So first thing is first. I finished my new website. I think today I will move my office that currently sits in the living room to my small bedroom hooked onto my master bedroom. I will have more privacy and more secluded so I don't get distracted. Right now going from employed to self employed and finding the right balance that works for me so I can be the most productive out of each day. So today, I think a clean office is a good office. Tonight we will be taking pictures at group class!

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