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Week In Review

So let me start by saying this week has had its ups and downs. It has been a lot of fun with a ton of goofy mistakes and lots of successes. Some insights were real revelations and some were learning curves.

Let's go through some of the goofy stuff. Messed up on my link to announce my updated web page to the world.... OUCH HAHAH. The link to share these here blogs only worked once. Still trying to work through all of that. Staying on top of things and now forcing my self to do some of the uncomfortable things like, yes ask for help from people. Not very good at that. It's all learning though right? I forgot to ask to take pictures at some of my private clients. I always respect their space and that's not why I'm there to take pictures. I always enjoy the memories and it allows me to give a dog face to what I'm working. Lot's of typos in these here blogs but that's okay. I'll get better and have a secret weapon;) you know who you are and thank you so much!

Now the flip side! The good stuff. I talked to many people about dog training this week, started running, brain storming new business ideas. Starting to develop a new program for training. My Facebook following is growing. Almost 200 likes which is a goal of mine. The more likes the more people I can reach;) I have actively started designing my day, like what main things to accomplish and acting more on impulse or in the moment. I've learned that even if no one reads this that in my mind it doesn't matter because I had the courage to go through with it. The courage to say and be honest with my true nature as a person. My only care is of my own perception now is of how I feel about me. I have no expectations of the future only that I want to help in anyway I can. If this blog helps someone now or a few years from now and I never hear from them. Then regardless i'm super glad I wrote it.

For me, many of my clients were in the same spot I was with my very own dog 12 years ago. Snickers was dangerous. He is a two bite offender. To have him come back from that and live a very long life and never to have an incident with my own son is a blessing. I listened to my self and trusted the learning and schooling I picked up a long the way. I've never worked under another trainer. You see, I feel it's a blessing that I've had the privilege of no one hiring me. It allowed me to find my own understanding and nothing to go off except my experience. I have learned that if I can save time for my clients by being able to help and give them the knowledge and understanding of their canine partner that they will both canine and man live fuller lives. For us to be balanced, we must be happy with our work in my opinion. My relationships are immediately starting to change. Me and my son are talking and bonding again. Money can't put a price on that. I'm having more meaningful conversations. The study that came out that I read from I don't know where. It said it's not that time is limited or you work too much it's the fact if you're happy with the work you do. That's what makes your kids happy, and the people around you.

I love all of you out there! Have a safe Memorial Day Weekend!!

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