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Today I went on a run through the woods at pleasant ridge park and saw dogs running with their owners off leash. I'm reminded that socialization in both people and in dogs is important. It was so peaceful to be out on the run just me and the wooded trail. All these ups and downs, the creek, dirt, turns and forks in the trail allowing you to go different directions. This made me think of life and a dogs life. The way we influence our dogs behavior through environment. Socialization. We are our dog(s) biggest influence. Often times, if you've never taken a dog out to a trail before there's going to be an excitement and aloof behavior that comes from your dog. Be careful you feel that same way too. We just have the ability to grab hold of our emotions a bit better. When you bring your dog and experience new things together. In my opinion it's best not to put an expectation on how the dog should act. The first couple times out I may have to show my dog what I need from him or her in this new place. We are responsible for teaching the dogs how to react in our homes,back yards, and out in public. Dogs were bred to do us a service. In most cases they do. If there is a communication gap. Then the dog may pick up bad habits. In turn thinking it's behaving is how you want him/ her to be. For example if the dog is afraid to cross the bridge and has it's tail between his legs and the back is arched you could assume he/she does not feel comfortable. But if you choose to leave that area while your pup is in that frame of mind, you choose to allow that dog to utilize anxiety over curiosity. The real goal is to notice the behavior and be patient and wait. Challenging the dog so slightly until you make it over the bridge. Then rinse wash and repeat until the dog is doing it without thinking and is happy to do it. If you need to go slow it's best to mark the success you have by saying okay you touched the bridge mark and reward. Then once you cross you mark and reward with play. So that he/she knows crossing the bridge makes you happy. Then the dog knows he/she can do an exercise that was intimidating. The dogs understanding to want to please is stronger than that of it being scared.

I believe our lives are very similar to this. We put all of these expectations on ourselves and our dogs. Maybe the majority of dog problems would go away if we didn't expect certain behaviors out of our dog or ourselves. In life, we will always have forks in the road, life will always change, have these ups and downs. The sun will shine through and sometimes the tree line will cloud the sun. It is our job for growth in ourselves. That we teach ourselves the right tools to handle the environment to learn. To recognize anxiety and fear as nothing more than that, a socialization problem and that we have the ability to train ourselves just like we train our dogs. So when you come up to an obstacle in life, it is my belief to stand there, calm down, mark your behavior, reward and rinse, wash, repeat until you are free from the anxiety. To many false environments that generate anxiety when in reality anxiety and fear is only there to keep us alive. If it won't kill you then do not put the expectation on it that it will. So remember while out on the trail. Having fun with your four legged friend. Always remember socialization is a life long journey with your dog. Eventually you will give him/her the tools to deal with it on it's own. So can you. Always enjoy! Live for that walk. Live for this day.

Have a great day!!

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