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The Give

The great things about having a dog, running your own business, having friends, or partner is the giving part. Today, I will talk directly into the giving part with dogs.

We all get dogs to help fill a gap in our lives. Some get dogs because we are lonely, some for a friend, some for a partner to help us execute daily activities. To understand why the dog is a good safe choice for us is a pretty simple. Dogs love us unconditionally. They don't care what type of person we are. They will listen, be there for you, help you and some will even bug you. But.. make no mistake they absolutely let you know that you are their world. What an incredible feeling to be somethings entire world. Let that soak in. Your dog is always 100% present, free of judging if you get up and shower that day or not, get into an argument with your parents, or get told off by someone. The dog just simply sits there and listens. Then may want to play. We get a dog for a number of reasons. The one reason dogs get us is simple. They accept us for who we are. They don't care what you do for a living, how much money you have. They only care about pleasing you and providing you with what you need.

Then why are shelters so full? according to the ASPCA pet statistics of dogs entering shelters in 2011 of 3.3 million. With 670,000 being euthanized. It is tough statistic from a animal who loves you unconditionally.

It is my belief and only my belief that people can sometimes take the unconditional love from a pet and take it for granted. I know in the beginning I took mine for granted. I also know I've taken relationships in the past for granted. The one relationship was with my parents. There's unconditional love for you. Never understood that until I became a parent myself.

Could it be that we are not giving to our dogs enough of what they really need? What are the needs? Food, water, and shelter? Those are basic but that doesn't say the dog is getting the one actual (NEED). The one actual need is the knowing that he/she is providing what you need. That is why it's crucial when we bring our new friend home we show them exactly what we need from them in our world. When we show them and they succeed or understand we need them to be a certain way it must be hit hard with a reward and a feeling of love to that dog. Treats just help bridge communication and allow the dog to be shaped or reinforced. The main reward your dog is looking for is how you're actually feeling when they're doing it right. That genuine smile that release of endorphins, they can indeed see the way the body changes so slightly when you're genuinely happy with them.

When we are not happy the dog does see we are unhappy but the dog does not usually resonate that we are unhappy with them. This is where behaviors that are undesirable will come in. They will start to associate your unhappiness with the environment. For example your dog never pays attention to you when another dog is around and that really upsets you. Then after weeks of this you get increasingly frustrated and then one day your dog starts reacting aggressively. We are mad at the dog but the dog thinks he's helping you keep other dog away because you were always displeased when it came around. The dog is not understanding you were displeased with him. You have to directly show him this and then he/she will begin to understand and choose something different. Then, when the dog chooses a behavior that's more desirable you will need to mark that behavior. Your dog will then start to say to itself...ohhhh that's what my person wants from me.

Never look at miscommunication as a problem just and opportunity to teach. When trying to teach always remember to leave all feelings besides pure joy at the door. When we feel helpless with a behavior problem let's make sure are asking yourself. What does my dog need? What am I not giving to help my dog understand what I need him to do?

Chow ya'll!!

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