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Adding the Marker

Hi guys!

Like I said, here is the post talking about marking the complex behavior at the end and working it backwards to achieve the whole exercise. Like one behavior we do in my obedience program and i'm sure others do as well is "coming when called". This behavior is one of the most frustrating behaviors for owners. I get calls on this one a lot. Most just want to jump right into the coming when called cue. Unfortunately it does not work best that way. You see. Through the very first session we are rewarding our dog to be right next to us by marking the behavior of the dog being next to us. I train for the dog always to come to you for its food reward. So from week one all the way until week five we are letting the dog know that it pays to be absolutely close to us. Another cue that we work is learning the dogs name or the "focus" cue. This is the very first cue I teach. If you can't get your dogs attention then you most certainly can't ask them to do anything.

So after you've laid the ground work for a good coming when called cue. You can then begin. Use the longest piece of rope you can buy. Nothing fancy here. I would start out with a 10 ft line and tie a knot or make a mark for where you are working at. Next while the dog is dragging the rope around while it's attached see if you can say his/her name. If the dog responds simply run away from your dog. More times than not your dog will get very excited and run after you. When they do mark their behavior as soon as they get about 5 ft from you. The 10 ft above was how far to let your put roam in the beginning. If they get to about the 10 ft and they're busy simply try and say their name. If they do not respond to their name. Three things may be going on here. You may have not worked that basic cue outside very much. Two, the dog realizes it doesn't get rewarded at all. Or third, the dog is just overly stimulated in which that case the rope becomes your best friend. Do not allow the dog to go any further and simply wait for him/her to pay attention.

Once you find this is working and is fun for the dog, slowly start to stop running away until your dog literally offers you the behavior when you say its name. If your pup starts to move toward you mark the behavior. If the dog can achieve this 9-10 times ask your dog to come here as soon as you say the dogs name. When they make it to you mark it with the reward. A lot of these steps can be sped up in if you would so desire. There are different methods. More than one way to make coming when called happen. This, I personally found builds the most confidence and trust in the dog. If he/she messes up they can simply try again and they're happy to.

I'm sure you're saying well those were the steps. How did we start at the end and work your way back. Well the dog completes the coming when called and we mark the behavior at the end. This behavior was created by all of the obedience work from weeks prior leading up to the coming when called. Pretty cool huh?

Let me know your thoughts! Thanks for reading.

Tomorrow is all about canine nutrition and what I've done for my dogs over the years. I think you're going to like it.

Take care and have the best day!

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