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Being Happy

The relationship you decide to have with your dog depends on why you get a dog, certain breed, or rescue mutt. It all depends on what you decide that story to be. Finding one in a shelter that had a horrible past. Deciding to go to a breeder. All say something about us and the story we want our dog to tell. I know when I had Miss Lucy she was a shelter story. She was a stray and then she wasn't she was with me until her final days. We always have this need to save a life and a shelter animal is an easier way to do that and feel good about yourself. You may find an immediate connection to a dogs story or picture. The way the eyes look, the face. These are all normal things to get attached to and cause us to act. I believe which ever way you go about it. It is important to understand the full relationship that you hope to achieve with your new friend.

Reasons we get a dog. We want a couch potato that will watch re-runs of the Wonder Years with us until the sun comes up. Maybe a running partner. May need our new friend to perform a very specific service like help us see. Whatever that is it is super important to be honest with yourself the reason you're getting a dog. Your ability to bond with your future friend depends on your lifestyle and what you're going to be able to give for possibly the next 15 years of your life. Right, I said give. You will devote your time, energy, resources, love,and attention to that brand new addition to the home. Are you looking at what fits best for you and your family? A German Shepherd looks great and cute and what a story and conversation starter to have but if you've never owned one like I me. You have a really hard time having a conversation when the dog will not let anyone near you.

When I say create the best relationship possible. I mean what do you feel about yourself first? What lifestyle goals and sacrifices are you willing to make? What does no matter what really mean to you if things are not going the way you envisioned with your new friend? A dog is hard to judge at times when you pick him up from the shelter or from the breeder. You have an idea and hoped you picked right. Let's be honest. People pick wrong a lot. Then you have a terror or just not understanding of why the dog is like this or what to do. It, for me is an amazing time and something that I had to learn. I was not an exercise machine. I did not want to work 9-10 hours come home and exercise my dog for another hour to hour and a half. He became a liability for me. I remember thinking to myself. Where did I go wrong? What had happened to us? Thought we did such a good job during puppy hood. Now he's dangerous not only to me but to other people and animals. What made me switch gears and say I was selfish with our relationship was the feeling of being a complete failure with him. The thought of me not being able to have the friend I always wanted. I remember looking at him after our fight in the kitchen when he attacked me because I interrupted his meal and I started to hand feed him because I didn't know what else to do. We finished that meal and he laid next to me as if nothing happened 30 minutes ago. I didn't understand at all what was happening. I remember telling him we will get through this and that I would get better. I never blamed him for us. I changed my whole lifestyle to make sure he got the outlets he needed. Before I knew it he was releasing his toys, backing off his food on command, I could stand there while he ate, taught him fetch, obedience work to even growl on command and stop while giving chase to his ball. I taught him to search, and ultimately in return for the services he provided he gave me unconditional love when I needed it most. The snuggles on the couch on the cold days, the wonderful friend on the summer nights as we walked together with out a care in the world. The runs, dog park visits. We became inseparable.

I tell you this because our dogs react to the environment around them. For me to have the special relationship of the dog who wanted to be with me on or leash, I first had to make sure I gave him everything. In return he gave me so much more than I could've asked for.

You may not always get the dog and relationship you want in the beginning but you did get a best friend who will help you grow as a nurturer and really teach you about unselfishness in a relationship.

Until next time!! Let me know your thoughts. Please leave your comments

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