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Dog Trainers Journey 1 month

It's been a month since I left my career job. It has been a bumpy ride. With mistakes everywhere. I have stumbled with starting my podcast by not having the right chord for my mic. Talk about embarrassing as I shoot it out to the world and you'll be able to barely hear me talking. Ha! I guess that's how you learn. Well it is for me anyway. There's no set blueprint here on how to successful on this thing. All I can say is that I'm being me and the love I have for dogs and people I believe are what is going to help me win. I work non stop with my head in dog behavior and talking about dogs. It's where I sit most of my days as I write these. My passion is truly being lived. I'm so proud of myself for taking this leap of not know if I'm going to make it our not. I know that I'm happier than I've ever been. To me that's what life's about. What's your calling? What does it say to you? Are you able to be creative with where you are at? I can tell you I'm struggling everyday and i'm not unhappy about it. This process for me is everything. I'm not looking at six months from now. I'm enjoying today and then when tomorrow gets here enjoy that. You see for me you live and die on the same day. You've lived that day and it dies just as the sun comes up. You can't get that time back. I spent almost 16 years doing a job where the majority of the time I hated. Felt like I had chains on me. Told what I was allowed to say, what person I was to be, where they thought I fit in. I found that space. I fit in right here. Doing the things that I love. Talking and teaching people how to secure such strong bonds with their best friend. Helping laying the foundation to fix or to start their relationship with their four legged friend is everything.

One thing is for sure. I work a lot so the labor of love hits me at all hours of the night. Struggling to get going some day's because there's not an immediate consequence of being wrote up or fired. Now it's a consequence I can't see. What if I don't write this blog? What if I don't answer that phone? What if I don't send that email. It for me becomes the slow decay of living the life you designed. I never know what one day to the next will bring. I make sure I do all I can in that day. For me it's everything. What stone didn't I turn over. What idea didn't I act on. Some days after spending time with my son or my love, I go right back to work. It's a labor of love that I want to make sure I support my self. I've used the nice salary and job as a tool. I've learned so much about working independently because I was my own boss in a way at my last job. Right now, it's about finding a balance. I sometimes do not shut this part of me off. Causing me to get very little sleep a night. The stress is not really there as it's something I truly enjoy. I'm enjoying all aspects even the mess ups. Most of all I enjoy the freedom to be as creative as I can be. Pushing myself to that limit daily. Acting on impulses like when the idea to do something comes into play. One idea was the pod cast. I will be audio recording some of my sessions with the clients feel comfortable with it.

Please don't wait forever like I did. Use that job you're at as a tool. Not all jobs are the way mine was for me. I know I was nothing more than a tool to them and that's why it was so easy to walk away. If you feel valued and fulfilled then stay. If not then start making some moves to get fulfilled. One lesson I've learned is that I spend too much time at a place that I don't like it eventually catches up with in your home life. Me and my son are smiling now. To me that's everything.

Until next time!!

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