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Nutrition and Behavior Linked?

Hi all I just got back from working with a private client and coming back from visiting my Brother, his wife, and my niece. I enjoyed the weekend with my son so much. I really needed to get away for a couple days. One thing I've been listening and reading a lot these past few days was the correlation between behavior and nutrition. It seems with us, people that there's a giant connection between diet and our behavior. I started diving into behavior and dogs diet. I believe that no dog is the same as far as how diet affects behavior but they are simpler in their make up. As in the degree of how they feel.

I've known dogs on insulin, overweight, allergies, inflammation causing arthritis and common hyper activity behaviors could be linked to some part of the diet. Even in most high quality kibble there are certain refined carbs that are still in the food. We buy food such as salmon, chicken, beef, and lamb and spend per pound more than it costs to get it down in the meat section. Not only is cost in the kibble section rising but have you ever wondered why it doesn't need to stay frozen until ready to serve? I've always wondered this myself. If interested check out petmd how dry dog kibble is made.

I believe in a healthy balance of food. I believe in feeding whole proteins unprocessed with bones. When a dog is getting a more natural diet. Then the body, most certainly can run more efficiently. If it's true in people then it's true in dogs to some extent. Dogs are more carnivorous than we are but at the end of the day are still considered omnivores. We are considered omnivores with more on the plant based side. The truth is if we find ourselves irritable, depresses, and in pain with arthritis then isn't it possible our dogs are the same way? One thing during my investigation on this matter was that there are hardly anything published on the matter concerning dogs. In dog behavior they don't think about a behavior much just the physical side of things like coat, and weight.

If dogs are happy, then they're happy all in. If dogs are unhappy, then they're unhappy all in. I believe that there is more to this food issue with our dogs. If your dogs system was getting the nutrients as it was intended to get them I wonder if some behavioral problems will go away? There are high premium dog foods out there that can cost up to 60.00 dollars now for thirty pounds costing you two dollars a pound for their food. And most of the food is made the same way. Just some food for thought on the issue of nutrition.

Want it to be known that there are plenty of factors in that play crucial roles in your dogs behavior. It would be good if you are having trouble to start ruling out normal causes and have a vet make sure it's in good health. A vet won't be able to judge mental health. That's where you'll have to look objectively and ask yourself about the diet. I believe diets can help overcome behavior issues faster. I don't believe behavior issues have a one punch knockout that fixes everything. I believe working every tool available will help curb behaviors. Those are helping the dog have confidence, exercise, nutrition, love, healthy play, and social behavior with different dogs. I believe enriching the dogs life as much as possible helping them understand what you need from them first and then disciplining only after you've shown the dog and the dog has started to offer the behavior. More on this type of topic later. It is untested but if you choose to change the diet you will see and adjustment period in your dog that will result in some diarrhea. Best before changing diet to consult your vet first to ensure your dog is in good health to handle the change. Their stomachs have to adjust and allow the good bacteria to re grow in the stomach and adjust to the new foods.

If you feel you've been trying lots of things to help with your dogs behavior and overall health then a rich nutrient diet may be something to add to their everyday life.

Thanks for reading. If you have not checked out my pod cast you can catch it on your smart devices pod cast host and just search dog training with Patrick

I'll leave a link to our web page for our getting your dogs attention workshop. If interested we have lots of open spaces available and is 25.00 for about two hours.

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Until next time!! Thanks for reading and enjoy the work week!!

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