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The Choice

Interesting title when it comes to this article of blog post from me. These are my thoughts only and not made to make you take action. If causes you to think or makes sense and helps you think through parts of your life then i'm happy with that. I don't need to know one way or the other if these types of posts help you. I'm not in it to know I've said something that would resonate. The reason is that i'm just trying to help myself. Sort through my own thoughts. Thinking and writing things down over the years is how I process my life. Some of the themes come up time after time. I believe this entry is no different. As it does not talk about dogs or dog behavior, it does however talk about animal and human behavior. I'd like to think with human behavior we are kind of and expert. We've all been one and most of us have interacted with all different types of people. So for me I can say I have 35 years of human experience. Others have more and some have less.

Today, I was having my morning coffee and had the pleasure to see the rabbits out and about again after the morning rains today. I was wondering to myself as I wonder a lot of times and now have a better understanding at least in my world. Would that wild rabbit choose to allow me to take care of it and put it in a pin, where I'd feed it, give it water, keep its environment clean, and keep is safely away from predators? I wonder if it would even notice or would it grow increasingly frustrated. Let's go a bit further. What if it was an intelligent animal like an elephant? These animals have shown stress, lions, tigers, and bears oh my. These guys have proven to show stress when all the dangers are taken away and put in situation where they don't no longer have to worry about eating or being eaten, hunted or destroyed in some fashion. I bet if the animals could talk they'd take the freedom and the risk of dying by hunting, starvation, or some other event than to be left to be less than they are. It goes to the sense of the animal has the sense to just say okay lets get on with this new life. But it has to be let to. I think animals that are as intelligent and self aware would choose the path of freedom even though they don't what lies ahead.

I believe the rabbit is happier knowing that it's being hunted from above and on the ground. It gets up everyday and has to struggle to make it through and take the calculated risks to ensure it will live on through it's offspring. They spend their energy to survive and use everything they have inside of them to compete with each other, and to survive the elements around them. Maybe on some level we say we are saving that animal because it wouldn't know how to survive on it's own. Survival is a finicky thing. Do we do damage to an animal who would not survive in the wild anymore by keeping it alive and saying we will use this as an ambassador to its species. Is it not suffering in the eyes of that animal to not be everything it was designed to be? Not for me to judge but it could be on a animal per animal basis. Some animals are babies and need protection of some sense but if they're allowed to explore and grow then eventually like for even us the urge to start a family will take over. They will take the risk like a wolf in the wolf pack to risk everything to be a lone wolf in the hopes of starting its own family because that's the next step in its life.

I correlate this message above with how we, us live our lives. We work so hard in our teens to differentiate ourselves from our parents. We rebel, say things can't wait to get out of here and start my life. But what actually happens is a kinda trick if you're not careful. We separate from our parents to just go into a community where you are going to work sacrificing your freedoms when you punch in. If you are a "leader" in the business, you give up more freedom because more than likely you are in middle management. You have more eyes on you from below and above. You actually lose more freedoms like speech and some people lose identity because you're told to meet the company mold. I ask, is this what you were looking for when you left home to have your freedom? Only to trade your environment of freedoms. You give up your identity to the job where you spend the majority of your time for your little amount of freedom on the outside of those walls. We allow a company to tell us what our worth is per hour or even worse per year. We say well it allows us to do what we want. The truth for me was I wasn't allowed to do what I wanted. I couldn't be me. I was constantly told this is all i'm qualified to do. This is what i'm worth. Constantly struggled with my identity because I was worried about the blow back and what would happen if I had to actually survive on my own. If you ask me I was scared of allowing myself to be me. I stayed for 16 years at a place that didn't value me as an individual. I let them put the golden handcuffs on and chose my own prison over being truly free to survive, to be that rabbit. I believe that the struggle of uncertainty and unknowingly of what will happen is a key to being happy. I'm out here like so many other people surviving and I'm being all that I can be as a human in the environment that I grew up in. I'm focused on everything that makes me happy and i'm out and about with uncertainty of how to buy my next meal or how wonder if i'll be able to pay that bill. To me, most of us, struggle with this already at a place that gives you no freedoms to decide. When I have a real win throughout my day it feels so good not like relief that my boss will stay off me today but a win like I accomplished something. The feeling of struggling and constantly watering the plant that you don't know if it will bloom or you'll actually catch the fish so you can eat is and can be unsettling right? Yes but it's the freedom to go and try. It's the ability to use all that you were designed to be.

When I was sick, and my body riddled with cancer, I realized after I beat cancer that you cannot have happiness without real struggle and over coming struggles that mean something to you. Trying new things, gaining new skills, meeting new people, challenging your beliefs, and most importantly finding yourself. Having enough courage to be hungry for your life and courage go improve and develop to be better than the day before. Keep finding the destination of the person you are on the inside so it can shine outward. Suppressing who we are is a slow death and disease, according to me. You have to keep struggle in your life to truly be happy. For me it's faith. To take on a project and have no idea how or where it goes but allowing myself to take me there. Through the struggle the learning and the belief that I can get to the destination. You have to believe that you will too, rise. That you have so much power inside of you despite what your evaluation at your job says about you. Remember that's there guide to tell if you fit their mold not your mold. Nature saw to it you made it here. You made it this far. Don't allow yourself to trade comfort for a true adventure. That adventure is called life and allow yourself to be as present as that rabbit who is being hunted daily. You will find happiness in struggle.

Remember I'm a novice in this life. What I've done in my life is what was right for me. These are my thoughts alone that I was comfortable sharing with you all

Thank you for reading and enjoy your Tuesday! I'm getting ready to make tacos....cuz it's taco Tuesday.

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