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July 3rd

Already July, the year is half way over and Summer is here in full swing. The summer is opposite of winter. I often wonder about that. I think about things being opposite more now than ever and how that works into us. It is a balance of some sort. A balance of an unperfect world. Even the earth itself is not perfect. The world constantly goes and corrects itself when it gets out of balance, hence storms, and earthquakes. What strikes me as fascinated is that as much as we try and dissociate ourselves from this remarkable thing called nature, we find that everyday we become closer to it. Nature for me has been an enigma. When I’d practice religion, the census was get closer to god. Why is it when I’m in nature and a part of the bigger world do I feel closer to God. This is a very personal thought. Nature to me is imperfectly perfect. A balance that is one degree away from shifting to direct chaos. I've been lucky enough to live. No matter the circumstances I've come from, i'm still lucky to have had the chance to live. I don’t say “make it” because if you’re alive then you’ve made it.

The way I’ve looked at the world and my life has changed over the years. Now as I reflect on months past and am in the beginnings of a new month, I get to understand how my life has been full of corrections. The one thing I can say is that in the verge of chaos, I’ve always found myself centered and grounded. Never afraid, always willing to fight. No, the afraid thing and panic happen before the do. As my life has continued to move on from the past, I realize that I’m now seeming to be open to the corrections and adversities that life has to offer. They've become more of a grounds to learn. I enjoy the ride in a way that maybe I’m addicted to the ride or adrenaline. When I’m not in a state of moving forward, I feel like I’m not living right. The rabbit does not wake up and say I think I’ll take the day off and eat tomorrow. No, it does not have that luxury. One thing about me that I’ve come to learn is that I love the fire in away. I do get burned but it’s the ability to get burned and then wield the flame. In my opinion you must be constantly prepared for the next adventure. As you start to turn the page to the next page and to the next chapter you begin to realize that the journey and skills you have, have gotten you here. Realize that you feel alive when you begin to find the new skills to get you on to the next chapter.

Today, for me is the reflection of all that it is. Time. Time spent on understanding this human condition for me. Most of my adventures are man-made. Maybe that’s why I seek out more and more adventures. Maybe if it were as easy as the rabbit and say, “I must leave and risk everything, so I can eat today”. Maybe life would be simpler and more full. I would no longer seek out the challenges of the day or the competition amongst myself. One animal that comes to mind is the coyote. This animal has shown the true fortitude over the years. Lots of respect for this canid species. They've been and continue to go through persecution of humans, and larger predators. With them not being on the top of the food chain in the wild amongst wolves, Yet their numbers continue to grow. They've learned to adapt to their circumstances. Pretty incredible that this species is all about adapting. We go on a war with this creature and they spread across the entire north america. They know how to spread themselves thin and to break their pack up in order to survive and spread out. They seem to control the need for their own kind through breeding and some metabolic condition to make insure its survival. When we tend to try and manage them their smaller packs tend to produce larger litters and the success rates of the young tend to be greater. Interesting species. Will be reading another book on this fascinating canine soon.

This fourth of July, I remember the ones who were brave enough to stand up to their own tyranny. They fought their government at the time. They chose to live their life simpler, like the rabbit. They knew there was more of a possibility of flourishing beyond their wildest dreams than to live in oppression. No matter how bad we’d like to stay where we are and like who we are being, our bodies and environments are correcting themselves. Evolution is happening. Continue to embrace the changes in your life. The good ones and the bad ones. It all make

s us who we are today.

Happy Fourth Everyone!! Be Safe OUT THERE!!

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