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A Journey Home

Today was a proud yet busy day in the Patrick house hold. I’m reminded of starting over in life yet again. I have adopted a wonderful white German shepherd name Lilly, formally named Shimmer. The amount of energy to make sure she fits the structure of our home is exhausting but within a few weeks I know will be worth it.

I got that strange feeling of uncertainty or do I have the energy. I always have those questions when my life seems to go around. Knowing what to expect this time made it more exciting. When the dog gets dropped off and the adoption process is over, you’re left with this dog. This dog that you really have no relationship with nor it to you. I can see her looking past me to sniff the next section of the house to smell henry to grab food from me but not really act like I’m there. One thing I can tell you is it made me miss the dogs that passed over the rainbow bridge more. That feeling of you know what to expect. That not having to worry about the dog when you leave, or hell going to the bathroom… You all know what I’m talking about. Anyway, this surreal yet butterfly type feeling in my stomach is a good thing. I think Snickers, and Lucy would’ve wanted me to help another.

Lilly, AKA, Shimmer, Came from the Texas streets. Brought into the animal control and was set to be euthanized. Not much is known about her. Her story brought her to a rescue call Journey Home German Shepherd Rescue. They are a non-profit foster home organization. They rescue from what it seems like all over the central United States. The fosters who had her said she was pretty darn wild. From what I can tell the fosters parents did one hell of a job getting her ready for a family life.

I met her today, as I remember letting Snickers go and the realization is that the “show must go on”. She represents hope for that people really are the answer to the problem of homeless dogs and cats. All she wants is a family. All we want is our family to feel whole and for her to feel she belongs here. She provides that comfort. I’m excited to say tonight as I’m writing this I found her in Henry’s room on the carpet falling asleep. I think I have a glimpse into the future that he, Henry will have a body guard for some time. I’m very proud that she’s connected to him. She seems to have a nurturing heart. I’m so thankful for what this organization has done for her. They saved her and allowed my family to come whole again. It will never be as it was, but it is a different whole and it feels amazing.

I owe a lot to Snickers, as I said before. That boy will always hold a special place in my heart. He changed my life, made what I do possible. Because of him, letting him go. Him letting me know it was time, allowed me to travel to Columbia MO, where I came across (Shimmer's profile) where the Journey home rescue is located is out of Jefferson City MO. So, she came up on my search. Everything happens the way it is supposed to.

So, thank you to those who made this adoption possible. You, who helped make Shimmer ready for the home deserve so much. The circumstances that brought her to me were also intertwined with her getting the right foster family and them being in a certain point in their life to have her. For the family to be here in St. Louis. Again, everything happens for a reason. To you and yours, thank you for your help, thank you for saying yes to foster her. Foster family, you are amazing.

Hope you enjoyed this read!!

Interested in adopting or reading about this rescue please click the picture!

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