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As it changes, as it stays the same

Currently, I am up and the familiar sounds of school buses going by my house in the morning as the North Belt East Rd now becomes one of the busiest roads in Belleville. I wake up thinking of the past. Thinking of when this time was for me, my first day of school in a new class, new teacher, some new students, and some a new school. I try to understand what and why is it okay? We as a parents or adults for some reason find solace in the midst of familiarity and consistency while our youth seems to try and fight it. What is the proper balance in life. I heard a man speak saying that the child at the age of four is operating on a genius level? Can that be true that we are molded our entire life to fit some kind of mold.

I must wonder what, and where I’m going? The people I’ve hurt, pushed out, and misunderstood along the road of life. This time of the year seems to bring the memories back. The starting of school, the soon to be changing of the seasons. Most people seem to reflect on the end of the year. I currently know that it is the fall for me. The changes happen and so many of them happen this time of year. The work I do has changed and I look back on the work I had done and know that there’s still a work in progress for me a ladder to keep climbing. I often wonder if I’ll ever be satisfied with the work I’ve done. I’m grateful who, and what is in my life, but rarely satisfied. I have a need and want to grow that is very powerful and start looking to struggle or uncertainty as the great adventure in life.

I think about lately of what will come of this time, when I look back four or five years from now? Where will I be, who would I have unintentionally hurt? Who will I have made an great impact positively. Why does it matter? I believe that we all have a price to pay and bridges we burn to get what we want or go where we need to go. Journeys are centered around destinations. We all will go to war for the things that we think will benefit closets to us. I believe we get better and more understanding along the journey. Yeah, I think that’s what we call wisdom. The ability to be more empathetic. That to me is wisdom.

Success I like to map out as dog training. It works pretty simple. I’m accountable to my dog clients. It starts out rough and not pretty. Only through molding, changing, and realizing who you are as a person and what you genuinely need vs what it should look like is what it means to be successful in my opinion. I’ve realized in my life I often forgot what it was like to start over, and I mean really start over. Let the new adventure begin. This is a calling that has called me for many years that I’ve ignored. It’s like a thing. I can learn to be something completely different. Maybe I went from an associate to a manager or from an employee to an owner, from patient to survivor. All changes and we all must learn to move on to things that help us get better or hold us accountable to move and or stay. Training is that for me. I continue to grow and get better. I don’t want to stop. I always say every dog is different do to every client being a bit different than the last. With a dog, they’re highly adaptable and will adapt to each person that they’re with. So not every dog is the same.

Working the behaviors for me is as simple as the success of life. At least in my life. You start out by thinking what you want the dog to do or need to do. You then start or develop a plan of how you will coach the dog to learn this behavior. After you coach the behavior you add discipline and consistency into the mix. Once you have these things working on auto pilot you now start to see success. Every day the dog gets better and better. Performs quicker. Offers it to you without asking for it or a reward. It just becomes what is.

Today I’ve moved back into my office, was working on the couch in the living room. I’m sure Henry will be happy to have his table back I’ve held hostage. Off to go enjoy this day. Let’s get at it and have a good school year. Everyone’s life speeds up now just don’t forget to take time to reflect and enjoy the seasons change.

Until next time!! Thank you all so much for all the support I’ve received through out the years. You all are the best.

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