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MY Day

An insight to my day

Working hard on your labor of love for me doesn’t feel like work at all. I ‘ve been going since early this morning. Met with some wonderful doge, and people. I love spending time, and teaching. It is my most favorites things in this world. I could literally sit with a family all day. If I wasn’t booked back to back today, that’s exactly what would’ve happened.

There’s something to be said when you’re on the move all day and none of the aspects of the job are hard for you accept for asking for payment. I always feel weird about charging. I think maybe that’s what doing what you love feels like. This has always been a bit of an issue for me. I’m getting better but still pretty bad at it. The feeling of being on the go, meeting new people, different situations, and understanding that I have absolutely no idea of what I’m about to see is comforting in a way. I get to live an adventure. Nothing gets me more pumped up than days like today. I understand that for some people they need to know what the situation is, what’s going to happen. When you work with dogs or maybe for animals in that sense, I feel it’s best to let things happen as they come. You can’t expect your presence to offer the same intensity as when you’re not there.

One thing that I can say is understanding how a dog associates and thinks, regardless of breed has always served well. When I do my interviews, I can always feel the tension with me being the new person or kind of the invader go away. Some people are instantly happy you are there. Some are skeptical. After all you don’t need any certification to call yourself any animal trainer. It’s not a science and then it is. I’ve found that understanding the people is just as if not the most important piece of criteria when helping the family with their dog.

My day started out in the northside of O’Fallon but wrote the address wrong and was almost late. I was in the south side of O’Fallon which through me off. Then from there I traveled to Granite City where I met a dog foster mom, and then swung back home to Belleville where I helped another wonderful family. After that, me and Lilly hit the park and dog park, followed by eating pizza and a movie to end the day. LOVVEEE PIZZZA

I do kind of go all over. I love the drive. I get to cross examine what happened in the session. Think about what I could do better. Not being in the same place everyday is a breath of fresh air. I’m glad that this month has really started to pick up. I was very scared when I decided to go all in and this month seems to have a glimpse of promise. I know I would’ve never been able to say yes to all I have with a full-time job. I’m glad I stepped away to be happy. The process, I believe is the scariest when you decide to take a big chance. You must be open to everything and understand yourself to a T. Every decision you decide on must be in centered around who you are and allow you to be who you are.

Well this is my update, still on my own. Going since May. Still scary. Not going to get any easier just have to keep getting smarter and better.

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